NEH Grants Recently Awarded to Philosophers


The Nationwide Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) just lately introduced its newest grant awards.

Recipients embrace a number of philosophy school.

The philosophers and their initiatives embrace:

Martin Coleman (Indiana College)
The Works of George Santayana
Preparation for print and digital publication of Realms of Being (1942) by Spanish-American thinker George Santyana (1863-1952).
($300,000/Scholarly Editions and Translations; with $36,000 matching)

Candice Delmas and Shelbi Nahwilet Meissner (Northeastern College)
Native American, Indigenous, and Land-Based mostly Social and Political Philosophy
A one-week residential program for 28 philosophy instructors to discover social and political philosophy from Indigenous views.
($119,827/Institutes for Increased Schooling College)

John Doris, Shaun Nichols, and Laura Niemi (Cornell College)
Ethical Psychology
A four-week residential institute designed for 25 school on the rising interdisciplinary area of ethical psychology.
($209,151/Institutes for Increased Schooling College)

Courtney Fugate (Florida State College)
The Tetens Mission
Preparation for publication of an open-access digital version and English print translation of the primary quantity of German thinker Johann Nicolaus Tetens’s (1736-1807) essays.
($300,000/Scholarly Editions and Translations)

Peter Hartman (Loyola College)
Medieval Theories of Consciousness
Planning and holding a convention on medieval philosophers’ understanding fo the character of aware expertise (1200-1350).
($48,300/Collaborative Analysis)

Brian Henning (Gonzaga College)
The Edinburgh Crucial Version of the Full Works of Alfred North Whitehead
Preparation for publication of two volumes of the Harvard lectures and one quantity of collected monographs of English thinker and mathematician Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947).
($297,170/Scholarly Editions and Translations)

Johannes Himmelreich (Syracuse College)
Good Selections: Knowledge Science as a Ethical Apply
Analysis and writing a co-authored e-book on moral issues for the follow of information science.
($73,670/Risks and Alternatives of Expertise: Views from the Humanities)

Ronald Sandler and Clare Palmer (Northeastern College)
The Ethics of Conservation Biotechnology: A Conceptual Engineering Method
Analysis and writing a multi-author quantity on the ethics of biotechnology.
($149,851/Risks and Alternatives of Expertise: Views from the Humanities)

Ariela Tubert and Justin Tiehen (College of Puget Sound)
Robotic Existentialism: Synthetic Intelligence and the Limits of Rationality*
Analysis and writing a co-authored e-book on existential philosophy and synthetic intelligence.
($147,840/Risks and Alternatives of Expertise: Views from the Humanities)

The NEH awarded a complete of $41.3 million in grants to 280 initiatives. Thinker’s obtained $1,645,809 in grants for 9 initiatives, which is roughly 4% of whole funds and three.2% of initiatives.

Different NEH funded initiatives that could be of curiosity to philosophers embrace:

Jocelyn Olcott (Duke College)
The Worth of Care: A Public Scholarly Trade
Improvement of an open-access digital useful resource on the worth of care, together with a peer-reviewed weblog and open-access working-paper collection.
($249,998/Collaborative Analysis)

James Romm (Bard Faculty)
Plato and the Tyrant: The Mission that Wrecked a Metropolis and Formed a Philosophic Masterpiece
Analysis and writing of a e-book on the traditional Greek thinker Plato (c. 428–-348 BCE) and his relations with the infamous autocrat Dionysus II, primarily based on letters by Plato beforehand dismissed as inauthentic.
($50,000/Public Students)

The total listing of awardees might be found here.

Professor Tiehen writes: “Our grant was awarded by way of the NEH’s program, Dangers and Opportunities of Technology: Perspectives from the Humanities. For different researchers engaged on associated subjects, this program will contemplate a second spherical of proposals, with an October 11th deadline for purposes. For this second spherical, they’re particularly encouraging purposes for initiatives relating to the moral, authorized, and societal implications of synthetic intelligence, a subject that has various philosophers.

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