Whole Wheat Bread ⋆ 100 Days of Real Food


This selfmade entire wheat bread is delicate, fluffy, and full of fiber and important vitamins. Produced from entire grains, it provides a hearty texture and wealthy taste. This loaf is right for sandwiches and toast. It’s a lot faster and simpler than you’ll suppose!

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This selfmade entire wheat bread is a scrumptious and nutritious bread that’s made out of 100% entire wheat flour! This straightforward recipe requires solely 6 components. It comes collectively rapidly. No bread machine is required! Nice for making toast, French toast, sandwiches, croutons, and extra. This entire wheat bread is an efficient supply of fiber, protein, nutritional vitamins, and minerals!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • This entire wheat bread is wholesome.
  • Complete wheat bread is an efficient supply of fiber, protein, nutritional vitamins, and minerals.
  • This delicate and fluffy bread has a hearty, nutty taste that’s each satisfying and nutritious.
  • It’s straightforward to make.
  • This recipe is easy to comply with and doesn’t require any particular gear or a bread machine.
  • It’s simply as delicate and tender as store-brought bread.
  • This bread is flexible.
  • It may be used for sandwiches, toast, or French toast.
  • This recipe incorporates no white sugar. As well as, this bread is dairy-free, nut-free, and will be simply made vegan.
  • Toast it and add your favourite toppings!
  • Try this Honey Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread for one more selfmade bread recipe.

Elements & Substitutes

Scroll right down to the recipe card for the complete entire wheat bread recipe!

Use 100% entire wheat flour. We love the Complete Meals 365 natural entire wheat flour.

Use heat water for the yeast combination. It must be between 105 and 115 levels Fahrenheit.

Honey sweetens the bread naturally. For vegan, use pure maple syrup.

Each olive oil and melted butter work effectively. If utilizing butter, use unsalted butter.

Use energetic dry yeast.

Lastly, add in salt.

Ingredients for whole wheat bread.

Style & Texture

Complete wheat bread has a hearty, nutty taste and a barely chewy texture.

The style and texture will range relying on the kind of entire wheat flour you employ. Some entire wheat flours have a stronger taste and a extra coarse texture, whereas others have a milder taste and a softer texture.

This selfmade bread tastes just like the store-bought model, however extra delicate and fluffy.

How one can Make

Step 1

First, in a big mixing bowl, mix the nice and cozy water and honey. Stir till the honey is dissolved. Sprinkle the yeast over the water and let it sit for about 5 minutes, or till foamy.

Yeast in bowl.

Step 2

Add the olive oil to the yeast combination and stir to mix.

Step 3

In a separate bowl, whisk collectively the entire wheat flour and salt.

Whole wheat flour in bowl.

Step 4

Steadily add the flour combination to the yeast combination, stirring till a tough dough varieties.

Step 5

Switch the dough onto a frivolously floured floor and knead for about 8 to 10 minutes, or till the dough turns into easy and elastic.

Ball of whole wheat dough.

Step 6

Form the dough right into a ball and place it in a greased bowl. Cowl the bowl with a clear kitchen towel and let the dough rise in a heat place for about 1 to 1.5 hours, or till doubled in measurement.

Bowl of bread batter.

Step 7

As soon as the dough has risen, punch it down gently to launch the air. Switch the dough to a frivolously floured floor and form it right into a loaf.

Step 8

Place the formed loaf right into a greased loaf pan and canopy it with the kitchen towel. Let it rise for one more 30 to 45 minutes, or till it rises above the sides of the pan.

Loaf pan with batter.

Step 9

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Bake the loaf within the preheated oven for about 35 to 40 minutes, or till it turns golden brown and sounds hole when tapped on the underside.

Step 10

Lastly, take away the bread from the oven and let it cool within the pan for a couple of minutes. Switch it to a wire rack to chill fully earlier than slicing.

Professional Ideas for Success

Listed here are a number of knowledgeable suggestions and tips for making the most effective entire wheat bread.

Use a superb high quality entire wheat flour. A very good high quality entire wheat flour can have a deep, nutty taste and a easy texture.

Knead the dough till it turns into elastic. This course of often takes at the very least 8 minutes.

Let the dough rise in a heat place. It will assist the bread rise to its full potential.

Be affected person with the rising. That is vital for the proper texture.

Bake the bread till it’s golden brown. An overbaked bread can be dry and crumbly.

Permit the bread to chill totally earlier than slicing into.

Taste Variations & Add-Ins

This recipe for entire wheat bread is a clean canvas, so you’ll be able to customise it to your liking. Listed here are a number of taste variations and add-ins to attempt.

Add nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds add taste and texture to the bread. Strive including walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds.

Add dried fruit. Dried fruit provides sweetness and moisture to the bread. Strive including raisins, cranberries, or apricots.

Add herbs and spices. Herbs and spices add taste to the bread. Strive including rosemary, thyme, or garlic powder.

Toast with peanut butter.

How one can Serve & Retailer

Complete wheat bread is finest served recent. Slice as soon as totally cooled.

This bread is nice for sandwiches, toast, and French toast.

Toast it and add peanut butter, almond butter, jelly, jam, or butter on high!

Make it into these Homemade Croutons.

Nevertheless, it can be saved at room temperature for as much as 3 days. Retailer it in an hermetic container.

To freeze entire wheat bread, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and freeze for as much as 2 months.

Regularly Requested Questions (FAQs)

Can I make this bread and not using a bread machine?

Sure, you can also make this bread and not using a bread machine. In actual fact, this recipe doesn’t require a bread machine in any respect! Merely comply with the directions within the recipe.

How do I do know when the bread is completed baking?

The bread is completed baking when it’s golden brown and sounds hole when tapped.

Is entire wheat bread good for you?

Sure, entire wheat bread is sweet for you. It’s a good supply of fiber, nutritional vitamins, minerals, and different vitamins. Complete grains, together with entire wheat, are larger in fiber and regarded extra nutritious than refined grains, which have been processed to take away the bran and germ.

Is 100% entire wheat bread more healthy?

Sure, 100% entire wheat bread is more healthy than bread made with refined flour. Complete wheat bread is made with the whole wheat kernel, together with the bran, germ, and endosperm. The bran and germ are the components of the kernel which might be most nutritious, containing fiber, nutritional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Refined flour, alternatively, has had the bran and germ eliminated, which reduces its dietary worth.

How lengthy does the dough have to rise?

This dough wants about 1.5 hours to rise.

What sort of pan is finest for baking bread?

Steel bread pans are product of aluminum or metal and they’re a superb all-around selection for baking bread. They conduct warmth evenly and are comparatively cheap.

What’s the distinction between entire wheat flour and white entire wheat flour?

The principle distinction between entire wheat flour and white entire wheat flour is the kind of wheat they’re milled from. Complete wheat flour is milled from exhausting crimson wheat, whereas white entire wheat flour is milled from exhausting white wheat. Exhausting crimson wheat has a darker colour and stronger taste than exhausting white wheat. It’s because exhausting crimson wheat has a better bran content material. The bran is the outer layer of the wheat kernel and incorporates fiber, nutritional vitamins, and minerals.

Whole wheat toast with jam.

Gear Wanted

8 Inch by 4 Inch Bread Pan: This bread pan is ideal for this selfmade bread recipe.

Pyrex 3 Glass Mixing Bowls: These glass mixing bowls are straightforward to scrub and nice for baking.

Pyrex Glass Measuring Cups: Use these glass measuring cups for measuring out all the components.

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