19 Natural Cleaning Hacks With Baking Soda


Baking soda is my favourite natural cleaning product. The white powder (also called sodium bicarbonate) is used to wash, deodorize, carry cussed spots and stains, and freshen areas and surfaces. And the truth that a pound of baking soda prices lower than a flowery latte, solely provides to its attraction. 

Let’s discuss my favourite baking soda cleansing hacks. All 19 of them! From cleansing bathrooms and the oven to deodorizing the fridge and eradicating crayon marks.

Is Baking Soda a Good Family Cleaner?


  • Baking soda is a pure and secure product used for baking (a leavening agent, which causes baked items to rise).
  • Top-of-the-line methods to make use of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) is for cleansing, the pure method!
  • Baking soda simply dissolves dust and grease, lifts robust stains (even crayon and everlasting marker), and freshens smelly materials.
  • And the very best half is, with baking soda you’ll keep away from harsh chemical compounds with out compromising your normal of fresh! 
  • Baking soda might be added to some selfmade cleaners to spice up cleansing and deodorizing properties, or used by itself. It can be used as a skincare product to make a face/body scrub or deodorant

My Favourite Baking Soda Makes use of

19 Methods to Clear Your Dwelling With Baking Soda

Warning: Cleansing Hacks With Baking Soda and Vinegar Don’t Work

Many recipes on-line mix baking soda and vinegar. Nevertheless, this combo produces a chemical response and isn’t an efficient cleansing product. Baking soda (a base) and vinegar (acid) cancel each other out leading to nothing greater than salty water. By no means combine apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, or another type of vinegar with baking soda. 

Cleaning the sink with baking soda and a scrub brush.

1. Clear the Kitchen Sink and Take away Meals/Grease Construct-Up

  • Sprinkle baking soda over the floor of the sink.
  • Use a scrub brush or sponge to softly scrub the floor with the baking soda in a round movement. Watch the grease and dust/meals build-up magically disappear.
  • Rinse the floor with clear water.
  • Should you’d like so as to add a contemporary lemon scent, combine a couple of drops of lemon important oil with the baking soda, after which observe the steps above.

I’ve carried out this with ceramic (white) and chrome steel sinks. For an additional soiled sink, add a squirt of dish cleaning soap and scrub the cleaning soap and baking soda over the floor.

Be taught how to clean the sink with baking soda and other natural ingredients

2. Clear the Rest room Tub and Sink

  • Sprinkle baking soda over the floor of a tub and sink.
  • Use a scrub brush, sponge, or damp fabric to softly scrub the floor with the baking soda in a round movement. As you scrub, build-up will carry away, abandoning a glittery tub and sink.
  • Should you’d like so as to add a contemporary lemon scent, combine a couple of drops of lemon essential oil with the baking soda.

Or, make a baking soda paste in a small bowl by combining baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and castile soap.  

3. Deodorize and Freshen Carpets and Rugs

Between pets and youngsters, our carpets and rugs are subjected to all kinds of enjoyable actions. Right here’s maintain I carpets and rugs contemporary and odor-free…

  • Sprinkle rugs and carpets with baking soda (elective: whisk with a couple of drops of a favourite important oil, like lavender essential oil). 
  • Wait not less than half-hour. 
  • Vacuum the realm. 

4. Deodorize and Freshen Mattress Mattresses

  • Evenly sprinkle baking soda onto an uncovered mattress (no sheets). 
  • Wait half-hour. 
  • Use a hose attachment to hoover the floor.

5. Deodorize and Freshen Pet Bedding

  • Generously sprinkle baking soda onto pet bedding. 
  • Wait half-hour. 
  • Vacuum the bedding with a hose attachment. 

6. Deodorize the Fridge or Freezer

Regularly cleaning the fridge helps care for most odors. Assist reduce odors in between cleanings by including an open field of baking soda to the again of your fridge or freezer.

  • Mix baking soda (1 cup) and some drops of lemon essential oil in a storage container. The important oil is elective.
  • Retailer the open container/mason jar within the fridge. 
  • After one month, dump the baking soda (or use it to wash your sink or rest room bowl), and create a brand new deodorizer.

7. Deodorize and Freshen Bogs

  • Generously sprinkle baking soda into the bathroom bowl. 
  • Wait 10 minutes. 
  • Use a bathroom brush to clean away stains and odors.
  • Should you’d like so as to add a contemporary lemon scent, combine a couple of drops of lemon essential oil with the baking soda, after which observe the steps above.

Alternatively, make a homemade toilet bowl cleaner with castile soap, water, and baking soda

8. Deodorize and Freshen Rubbish Cans

  • Sprinkle baking soda on the underside of a trash bin to maintain odors away. 
  • Discard and refresh the baking soda each few weeks. 
  • Should you don’t wish to sprinkle baking soda in your trash can, sprinkle the powder in a brief cardboard field first, then place the field on the backside of your trash can.

9. Deodorize and Freshen Sneakers

  • Sprinkle baking soda in pungent sneakers.
  • Let the baking soda relaxation all evening within the sneakers.
  • Within the morning, shake out the sneakers to take away the baking soda.
  • The odor-neutralizing powder will naturally do away with the pungent odor in smelly sneakers.

10. Clear and Take away Crayon Marks from Partitions

Fortunately, we’re previous the scribbling-on-the-wall stage of parenting. Prior to now, when crayon marks had been by accident added to the wall decor, I used baking soda to take away the undesirable drawings. Right here’s how to try this…

  • Sprinkle a clear moist fabric (or moist sponge) with baking soda. 
  • Gently wipe the wall with the fabric till the crayon marks disappears. 
  • Repeat as wanted till the crayon disappears from the floor. 

11. Clear and Brighten Pots

Enameled Dutch ovens are my favourite pots to make use of for cooking. (I take advantage of Lodge Brand.) The pots can be utilized to make bread, soup, beans, rooster, or steam veggies. They’re additionally stunning assertion items. Whereas the surface of the pots might look beautiful, the within can rapidly go from white to brown (attributable to meals, warmth, and so on).

  • To scrub the inside, fill a pot with water (about 3/4 of the best way full), add 1/3 cup of baking soda, carry the water and baking soda to a boil, then flip off the warmth. 
  • After about half-hour, dump the soiled water, sprinkle the moist inside generously with extra baking soda, scrub the floor with a textured sponge. 
  • Rinse the inside with contemporary water.

​Baking soda additionally works to wash chrome steel pots utilizing the identical methodology. 

12. Deodorize Picket Reducing Boards

I like to make use of salt and a lemon to deodorize my wooden cutting boards, however that’s not the one easy formulation that can deodorize a board. Right here’s one other strategy to clear smelly reducing boards…

  • Sprinkle baking soda onto a picket reducing board, scrub the baking soda over the floor, and rinse with contemporary water.
  • Should you’d like so as to add a contemporary lemon scent, combine a couple of drops of lemon essential oil with the baking soda.

13. Clear the Backside of the Oven

  • Sprinkle baking soda throughout the underside of your oven floor, then spray the floor (and baking soda) with water. 
  • Enable the moist baking soda to sit down for a couple of hours. 
  • Use a textured sponge to clean away the baked-on grime within your oven. 
  • Wipe the floor with a moist fabric, till the floor is clear.

Professional Tip: If the oven is tremendous greasy, combine the baking soda with dish cleaning soap and water to create a paste. Scrub the paste contained in the oven, let relaxation, then use a clear sponge and water to clean and rinse the floor.

14. Make Your Personal Laundry Cleaning soap 

Make your individual laundry cleaning soap powder by combining: 

  • 1 5-ounce castile cleaning soap bar (shredded)
  • 1 cup washing soda
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup kosher salt
  • 30-40 drops important oil (elective)

Right here’s how to make this easy laundry soap recipe

15. Rest room All Goal Cleaner

Make an all-purpose lavatory cleaner for bathrooms, sinks and tubs, tile and grout, and all different lavatory surfaces (besides glass surfaces-you’ll wish to make this glass cleaner instead). Mix…

Right here’s make bathroom all-purpose cleaner.

16. Clear Produce

To scrub contemporary produce, make a vinegar bath or use baking soda. To make use of baking soda…

  • In a big bowl or sink, mix 1 teaspoon baking soda with 2 cups of water (enhance quantities relying on how a lot produce you might have). 
  • Add fruit to the answer and soak for 10 minutes. 
  • Take away the produce and rinse underneath clear water.

17. Take away Cussed Stickers and Sticker Residue From Surfaces

  • Mix olive oil and baking soda in a small bowl to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste to a floor with a cussed sticker or sticker residue.
  • Let the paste relaxation on the floor, then give the realm an excellent scrub.
  • Repeat till the sticker residue disappears. 

Recipe from Natural Cleaning Made Easy

18. Take away Armpit Stains and Physique Odor

This answer is greatest used on white clothes to take away yellowing arm pit stains and physique odor. For colours, don’t use hydrogen peroxide as a result of bleaching response. In a small bowl, mix…

  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide 
  • 1 tablespoon Sal Suds (Liquid castile cleaning soap or dish cleaning soap will even work) 
  • 1 tablespoon kosher or sea salt 
  • 15 drops lemon essential oil

Utilizing a spoon, apply the paste to armpit stains on white garments. Scrub the answer into the stain with a scrub brush or outdated toothbrush. Let the answer relaxation for a few hours (or extra for cussed armpit stains). Wash the paste away and wash the clothes with cleaning soap.

Recipe from Natural Cleaning Made Easy

19. Clear Grout Strains

  • Make a paste by combining water and baking soda in a bowl.
  • Use an outdated toothbrush or scrub brush to clean the paste on the grout.
  • Let the paste relaxation for a couple of minutes, then use a moist sponge or fabric to clean away the paste.
  • Repeat as wanted. 
Sprinkling baking soda on the carpet and adding a can of baking soda to the fridge.

What’s your favourite method to make use of baking soda to wash, deodorize, and freshen your private home?

Discover ways to make pure cleaners to your dwelling


Discover ways to make over 50 DIY pure cleaners.

Straightforward-to-follow recipe movies, digital recipe e book, and how-to cleansing tutorials.


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