Undergraduate Philosophy “Certificates” – Daily Nous


Increasingly philosophy departments are providing “certificates” applications. On the undergraduate degree this sometimes entails taking round 4 programs. So a scholar might, for instance, main in pc science and get a certificates in ethics, and the certificates can be listed alongside the most important within the scholar’s information.

[Harold Eugene Edgerton, “Milk Drop Coronet”]

My sense is that, on the undergraduate degree, philosophy departments are sometimes providing certificates as a means of being aggressive with different models providing certificates.

Much less demanding than a minor, certificates are a neater means for college students to realize a credential in an space distinct from their main. If one thinks of programs as the price of the credential, if a philosophy division solely provided a serious and a minor, they could possibly be undercut by different models providing certificates, lose minors and enrollments, and in consequence come off as much less precious.

Does your division have a certificates program? What’s its focus? What was making beginning it? Has the implementation of certificates had an impact on the variety of college students minoring in philosophy? Has the implementation of certificates helped sluggish or reverse enrollment losses? Please share your experiences. Thanks.

(There was a publish specifically about ethics certificates again in Might however I believed a broader take a look at the certificates phenomenon can be worthwhile.)

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