My Quiet Life in Suffolk: B is for Bread


 The Focaccia bread I made for Bacton Fayre in August did not win a prize – despite the fact that I pinched a sprig of rosemary from the churchyard (or possibly that is why 😈) to ensure I saved to the schedule. 

 I did not count on to be positioned as I did not have the appropriate dimension baking tray for it so it did not have good straight edges. Judges must be very strict!

It is a actually good recipe that I’ve now made twice extra – I did not pinch any rosemary for this weeks make!  It is lower into items earlier than freezing and makes 12 chunks that are scrumptious.

That is the recipe I used which seems properly. I do the blending within the Kenwood with a dough hook.. 

500g Sturdy Bread Flour

30mls Rapeseed Oil

10g Salt

10g Yeast

Approx 325ml Tepid Water

Sea salt, olive oil and rosemary to complete

Combine salt, yeast and flour

Combine oil and water and add to flour and blend very well

When easy knead for 10 minutes.

Do not use flour when kneading however a bit of oil on arms as an alternative.

Place on a properly oiled  11 inch by 7 inch brownie tin, flatten to a rectangle, cowl with cling movie and relaxation for half-hour.

Uncover, fold into thirds. Flip and fold into thirds once more. Flip over and flatten to rectangle once more.

Cowl and relaxation for one more 30 minutes.

Push dough to  11 x 7 inches.

Relaxation for 30 minutes, then dimple prime with thumb, sprinkle with salt, olive oil and chopped rosemary.


Two of the opposite breads I make are carried out in my bread machine. A traditional white loaf which makes beautiful toast and a spicy fruit  loaf that makes a yummy tender textured very tasty loaf.

The recipe e-book that got here with the bread maker has many, many extra concepts for flavoured breads that I’ve by no means tried. Though I do now use it for making pizza dough.

A recipe I’ve used since means earlier than proudly owning a bread machine, makes tomato and herb rolls that are beautiful to eat with any Bolognese or tomato meals. That recipe is on the Recipe Web page.

One thing I do not make anymore are naan bread. They used to work properly after I had an LPG grill however not so good with electrical. So I purchase a pack of mini naans from Asda and separate them earlier than freezing. I solely want a small naan with my hand-crafted curries.

I like bread!

Again Tomorrow



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