All You Need To Know About Determinism and Freewill in Stoicism (Episode 93)


“Nothing has occurred which was not going to be, and likewise nothing goes to be of which nature doesn’t include causes working to deliver that very factor about.”

The Stoics believed that we have been liable for our actions and that each motion was fated.

On this dialog, Michael explains how they made sense of these two concepts.

We cowl determinism, freewill, and ethical accountability in Stoicism.

(00:54) Introduction

(04:41) The Lazy Argument

(07:03) Stoic Physics

(15:56) The Argument for Causal Determinism

(25:10) Ethical Accountability

(35:33) Free Will

(44:29) Objections

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Due to Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music within the conversations.


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