Study Says Cognitive Decline Is Linked to a Reduced Hippocampus Size


Examine Says Cognitive Decline Is Linked to a Decreased Hippocampus Measurement – New Examine Supplies Insights into the Position of Hippocampal Atrophy

A current examine revealed within the journal Neurology has offered new insights into the connection between hippocampal atrophy and cognitive decline. The examine discovered that even people with out mind amyloid plaques, the hallmark protein deposits related to Alzheimer’s disease, might expertise cognitive decline on account of shrinkage within the hippocampus, a mind area essential for reminiscence formation. The examine additionally discovered {that a} increased fee of hippocampal atrophy is linked to a sooner fee of cognitive deterioration.

Examine Says Cognitive Decline Is Linked to a Decreased Hippocampus Measurement

Examine Findings

The examine concerned 128 contributors whose common age was 72. In the beginning of the examine, not one of the contributors had any cognitive or reminiscence issues. The contributors underwent annual cognitive exams for a median follow-up interval of seven years. All through the examine, the contributors additionally had quite a lot of mind scans to find out the amount of the hippocampus and the variety of tau tangles and amyloid plaques of their brains.

The researchers discovered that people with a sooner fee of hippocampal atrophy skilled a extra speedy decline in cognitive operate. This was true even after controlling for the presence of tau and amyloid plaques. The researchers additionally discovered that merely decreasing the hippocampus space defined 10% of the variation in cognitive deterioration.

Implications of the Examine Findings

The findings of this examine have a number of necessary implications. First, they counsel that hippocampal atrophy might play a task in cognitive decline even in people with out Alzheimer’s illness. Second, they counsel that measuring hippocampal quantity could also be a great tool for predicting particular person responses to new Alzheimer’s therapies and the speed of cognitive deterioration.


This examine is a vital step ahead in our understanding of the causes of cognitive decline. The findings counsel that hippocampal atrophy could also be a standard reason for cognitive decline, even in people with out Alzheimer's illness. Additional analysis is required to know the mechanisms by which hippocampal atrophy results in cognitive decline.

Threat elements

Along with the findings of this examine, there are a variety of different danger elements for cognitive decline, together with:

Head trauma
Training degree
Way of life elements resembling weight loss program, train, and smoking

By figuring out and addressing these danger elements, we might be able to forestall or delay the onset of cognitive decline.

What Is Hippocampus?

The hippocampus is a small however advanced mind construction that performs a vital position in reminiscence formation, spatial navigation, and emotional regulation. It’s positioned deep throughout the temporal lobe of the mind and is formed like a seahorse, therefore its identify, which derives from the Greek phrases “hippos” which means horse and “kampos” which means sea monster.

Key Features of the Hippocampus

  1. Reminiscence Formation: The hippocampus is crucial for changing short-term recollections into long-term recollections. It really works by consolidating new info and linking it to present recollections, permitting us to retain and retrieve info over time.

  2. Spatial Navigation: The hippocampus helps us create and keep a psychological map of our environment, enabling us to navigate the environment successfully. It performs an important position in spatial processing, permitting us to know our place in relation to things and landmarks.

  3. Emotional Regulation: The hippocampus can also be concerned in emotional processing and regulation. It interacts with different mind constructions, such because the amygdala, to control emotional responses and affect our emotional recollections.

Hippocampus and Neurological Issues

Injury to the hippocampus can result in a spread of cognitive impairments, together with reminiscence loss, disorientation, and difficulties with emotional regulation. A number of neurological problems, together with Alzheimer’s illness, epilepsy, and temporal lobe epilepsy, are related to hippocampal harm.

Alzheimer’s Illness: Some of the widespread causes of hippocampal harm is Alzheimer’s illness. In Alzheimer’s, the hippocampus is affected by the buildup of amyloid plaques and tau tangles, which disrupt neuronal communication and result in reminiscence loss and cognitive decline.

Epilepsy: Hippocampal harm can even happen in people with epilepsy, notably temporal lobe epilepsy. This kind of epilepsy is characterised by seizures that originate from the temporal lobe, and harm to the hippocampus can contribute to reminiscence issues and different cognitive impairments.

Analysis and Future Instructions

Researchers proceed to research the intricate workings of the hippocampus and its position in varied neurological situations. Understanding the mechanisms underlying hippocampal operate and its susceptibility to break is essential for growing efficient therapies for problems that have an effect on reminiscence, spatial navigation, and emotional regulation.


Hanseeuw, B. J., et al. (2020). Hippocampal atrophy predicts cognitive decline within the absence of amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Neurology, 95(8), e1117-e1125.

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