A scientist’s poor eyesight helped fuel a revolution in computer ‘vision’


Working in synthetic intelligence for many years, Alexei Efros, a pc scientist on the Berkeley Synthetic Intelligence Analysis Lab, abruptly finds himself in a world the place his once-niche area has turn into an more and more pronounced a part of on a regular basis life for tens of millions. The fruits of his breakthroughs in laptop ‘imaginative and prescient’ may be present in smartphones, photo-editing expertise, self-driving vehicles and extra. On this documentary profile from Quanta Journal, Efros provides a quick historical past of laptop imaginative and prescient for AI from the Nineteen Sixties to as we speak, particulars how his poor eyesight proved advantageous in his work and explains why there’s way more to machine studying than constructing an algorithm. He additionally discusses how, in his lab, he and the subsequent era of researchers are working to handle urgent issues in up to date AI, resembling human bias.

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