The Sneaky Way That Food Companies Keep You Addicted (And What You Can Do About It)


Do you ever really feel such as you’re hooked on sure meals? Like irrespective of how onerous you attempt to keep away from them, you simply can’t appear to withstand their name?

It’s not truly your fault.

The fact is that the majority main meals corporations are actively working to make their meals as irresistible and addictive as attainable. And that’s not a conspiracy principle, it’s reality. They’ve been doing it for years, and so they’re REALLY good at it.

In actual fact, they don’t even attempt to cover it. There’s a cause Lay’s potato chips confidently touts the slogan “Betcha can’t eat only one.” They’ve truly examined it.

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However the factor that makes it even scarier is that we are sometimes keen members in our personal demise. As a result of we love our consolation meals.

As a result of actually, I feel MOST individuals have completely no thought simply how dangerous processed meals is for his or her well being—that it’s actually killing us and making us sick.

We’ve been CONDITIONED to consider that sure meals are “regular” and “wholesome” when in truth they’re something however. We’ve been brainwashed by a multi-billion greenback meals business that advantages from our ignorance and our dependancy to their merchandise.

What’s meals dependancy?

However for the sake of readability, let’s again up just a bit bit and begin by defining simply what we imply once we say “meals dependancy.”

Meals dependancy is a time period used to explain a situation the place an individual turns into depending on sure sorts of meals, and feels compelled to eat them, typically in giant portions, even supposing they know that these meals are dangerous and contributing to their general poor well being. This dependancy is commonly the results of adjustments that happen within the mind when an individual consumes sure sorts of extremely processed meals.

In actual fact, research have proven that sure meals can truly set off the identical reward facilities in our mind as medication and alcohol, and that these adjustments within the mind can result in cravings and a compulsion to eat these meals, even once we know we shouldn’t. And that’s as a result of once we eat these meals, our mind releases “really feel good” chemical substances like dopamine, which is sometimes called the “pleasure hormone.”

So in numerous methods, meals dependancy is just not all that completely different from different sorts of dependancy. We are actually getting a “excessive” from consuming sure meals, and our physique and mind get hooked on that prime.

And so it turns into a vicious cycle. We eat these meals, our mind releases dopamine and rewards us for it, after which we wish to eat extra. And extra. And extra. Even once we know we shouldn’t. Even once we understand it’s making us sick. We simply can’t cease.

And if that sounds acquainted, then you definitely’re not alone. Meals dependancy is an actual factor, and it impacts tens of millions and tens of millions of individuals. In actual fact, a 2018 research of the worldwide burden of illness estimated that over 86 million individuals in the USA alone are at the moment residing with some type of meals dependancy.

That’s a LOT of individuals.

And it’s additionally a extremely large drawback, as a result of it implies that there are SO many people on the market battling this situation each single day. And it’s not simply the battle of making an attempt to shed some pounds, and even the bodily toll that these extremely processed, toxin-filled meals are having on our our bodies. It’s the disgrace and the guilt and the self-loathing that so typically comes with dependancy, it doesn’t matter what that dependancy is likely to be.

As a result of the reality is, it’s SO simple to take a look at somebody who’s 100 kilos chubby and say, “properly, they only must cease consuming a lot and begin exercising.” But when that individual is coping with meals dependancy, then it’s not that easy. You possibly can’t simply inform an alcoholic to cease ingesting, proper? However that’s so typically what we do with people who find themselves battling meals dependancy. We inform them it’s their fault, that they’re weak, that they only must train some self-control.

However it’s not that easy.

As a result of it’s an ADDICTION. And our mind is actually being rewired to CRAVE these meals. It’s not only a matter of willpower or lack thereof. It’s an actual, diagnosable situation.

So, in case you suppose you is likely to be battling meals dependancy, or if this situation resonates with you in any means, then the very very first thing it’s essential to do is be KIND to your self. Acknowledge that this can be a actual situation, and that it’s not one thing you can simply “recover from” with somewhat bit extra self-control. You want to get to the basis of the issue and begin addressing it in an actual means.

How meals dependancy impacts our well being

However what IS the basis of the issue? In different phrases, what is definitely taking place in our our bodies that’s inflicting us to get addicted to those meals and making it so onerous for us to cease consuming them? What’s meals dependancy DOING to us, and the way is it affecting our well being?

Effectively, because it seems, it’s affecting us in numerous methods. As a result of these extremely processed, sugar-filled, chemically-laden meals that we’re getting hooked on are principally poison for our our bodies. They’re actually killing us, slowly however absolutely. And it’s not simply our waistlines which are in danger.

Coronary heart illness, diabetes, most cancers, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune illness, leaky intestine syndrome, continual irritation, melancholy, anxiousness, hormone imbalance, and so many different well being points we face as a society right now can all be traced again to our dependancy to those extremely processed meals. So in that sense, our meals dependancy is definitely contributing to an entire host of different well being issues.

And it’s not simply the meals itself, however all of the chemical substances and components that go into these processed meals. As a result of so lots of the components which are used—issues like excessive fructose corn syrup and white sugar and vegetable oil and synthetic flavors and colours—will not be solely extremely addictive, but additionally extremely poisonous to our our bodies.

And so we’re basically filling our our bodies with poison, after which questioning why we don’t really feel good, or why we’re getting sick.

After which there’s all of the SUGAR. As a result of as we’ve talked about earlier than on this podcast, sugar is in EVERYTHING. And it’s extremely addictive. In actual fact, some research have proven that sugar is even MORE addictive than cocaine. And that’s as a result of, similar to different addictive substances, sugar triggers the discharge of dopamine within the mind, which causes the pleasurable sensation that we then change into hooked on.

And this can be a actually large deal, as a result of sugar is in SO lots of the meals we eat, even those we don’t essentially consider as being candy. It’s in our bread and our pasta and our salad dressing and our ketchup and our yogurt and our granola bars and our soda and our “wholesome” fruit juice. And so we’re consuming it on a regular basis, with out even realizing it. It’s inescapable.

And that’s what’s so scary about meals dependancy. It’s not simply that we’re getting hooked on a handful of meals that we are able to then keep away from. It’s that we’re getting hooked on SO lots of the meals that make up the Commonplace American Weight loss plan. The meals which are actually all over the place. The meals which are thought-about “regular” and “wholesome.” The meals that we grew up consuming and that we’re now feeding to our personal youngsters.

We’re actually passing down our dependancy to the following era.

And that dependancy is having a devastating impact on our collective well being in addition to on the well being of our kids. Childhood weight problems is at an all-time excessive, and sort 2 diabetes, which was once known as “adult-onset diabetes” as a result of it was so uncommon in youngsters, is now being identified in youngsters as younger as 8 years outdated.

This can be a drawback, you guys. A HUGE drawback. We’ve got to start out taking it significantly.

However the issue is, it’s an ADDICTION. And recognizing that it’s an actual dependancy is step one in having the ability to do one thing about it. As a result of in case you have been hooked on alcohol or medication, the very very first thing you would need to do is GET CLEAN. You would need to cease placing these substances in your physique.

And that’s additionally true of meals dependancy. You must give up consuming the meals you’re hooked on.

It’s not simple. However it’s POSSIBLE.

How the meals business is making us addicted

However earlier than we discuss HOW to try this, let’s speak somewhat bit about how the meals business is definitely making us hooked on their merchandise within the first place—as a result of it’s not just a few random accident. They’ve been doing this for years, and so they’re actually good at it.

Mainly, the meals business has a SECRET WEAPON that they use to get us hooked on their merchandise, and that secret weapon is one thing known as the “bliss level.”

However what precisely IS the bliss level? Effectively, it’s the proper mixture of sugar, fats, salt and different flavors that make a meals style SO good that we actually can’t resist it. It’s the explanation why that bag of potato chips is so onerous to place down, or why you may eat a complete pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in a single sitting, or why you simply can’t say no to that slice of chocolate cake, even if you’re so full you are feeling such as you may explode. It’s the explanation why sure meals are so extremely addictive.

And the meals business is aware of this.

In actual fact, they’ve been learning the bliss level for years, and so they spend BILLIONS of {dollars} yearly to determine how one can make their merchandise as addictive as attainable. They rent meals scientists and flavorists to create simply the precise mixture of flavors and textures that can maintain us coming again for extra.

They even use one thing known as “mouthfeel expertise” to determine how one can make a meals really feel good in our mouth, in order that we get that good sensation of crunch or creaminess or no matter it is likely to be, that can make us wish to maintain consuming.

It’s loopy! And it’s SO sneaky.

However it doesn’t cease there. As a result of the meals business additionally is aware of that in an effort to maintain us hooked on their merchandise, they need to make them as handy and accessible as attainable. And that’s why you’ll discover extremely processed, addictive meals actually EVERYWHERE you go—from the grocery retailer to the fuel station to the nook espresso store to the merchandising machine in your workplace constructing.

They’re all over the place.

After which there’s the advertising. As a result of the meals business spends billions of {dollars} yearly to market their merchandise to us. And never simply in commercials and on billboards, however within the grocery retailer itself. They know all of the tips to get us to purchase extra. They know that we’re extra seemingly to purchase one thing if it’s at eye degree than if it’s on the underside shelf. They know that we’re extra seemingly to purchase one thing if it’s brightly coloured or has a cheerful face on the field. They know that we’re extra seemingly to purchase one thing if we are able to attempt it first.

It’s all an enormous sport, and we’re the pawns.

So what can we do about it?

So what can we do about it? How can we break away from this dependancy and begin taking management of our personal well being? How can we combat again in opposition to a multi-billion greenback business that’s actually been working for many years to maintain us hooked on their merchandise?

Effectively, the very first thing we’ve got to do is acknowledge that it IS an dependancy. We’ve got to acknowledge that we’re not simply coping with an absence of willpower or self-control. We’ve got to be type to ourselves and perceive that this can be a actual, diagnosable situation that requires an actual answer.

After which we’ve got to choose. We’ve got to determine that our well being is extra vital than that subsequent hit of dopamine. We’ve got to determine that we’re price it. That our children and our grandkids are price it.

After which we’ve got to take motion.

As a result of as I stated earlier than, step one in overcoming any dependancy is to STOP placing that substance in your physique. You must GET CLEAN.

You must give up consuming the meals you’re hooked on.

And I do know that’s an entire lot simpler stated than accomplished. I do know as a result of I’ve been there.

I’ve been the lady who used to eat a full bag of Doritos in a single sitting with out even fascinated with it. The lady who would exit of her technique to drive to the shop simply so I might purchase that ice cream. The lady who would actually cover the empty containers within the backside of the trash can so my husband wouldn’t see how a lot I’d eaten. The lady who was so hooked on sugar and processed meals that I couldn’t even go a single day with out it.

And I’ve additionally been the lady who needed to undergo the withdrawals. Who needed to endure by means of the complications and the irritability and the extreme cravings that come from detoxing your physique from all that rubbish. The lady who needed to learn to address stress and unhappiness and all the opposite feelings that I used to numb with meals.

It wasn’t simple. It was in all probability one of many hardest issues I’ve ever accomplished.

However it was SO price it.

As a result of I used to be capable of break away from that dependancy. I used to be capable of get clear and keep clear. And now, greater than 10 years later, I can actually say that I’m now not hooked on meals. I can take it or depart it. I can go for days and days with out consuming something processed, with out consuming something that’s not good for my physique, all as a result of I understand how significantly better I really feel after I make the precise selections.

And that’s what I need for you too. I need that freedom from dependancy. I need you to have the ability to make the precise selections to your well being, not simply every now and then, however on a regular basis. I need you to have the ability to take pleasure in your life with out continuously having to consider meals. I need you to have the ability to break away from the maintain that the meals business has over you and your well being.

So let’s discuss how to try this—virtually, how one can begin taking these steps in the direction of overcoming your meals dependancy and breaking free from the maintain that the meals business has over you.

Step 1: Educate your self

The very first thing it’s essential to do is begin educating your self. You want to perceive simply how dangerous these extremely processed, sugar-filled, chemically-laden meals are to your well being. You want to perceive how they’re affecting your physique and your mind, and why they’re so extremely addictive. You want to perceive what’s at stake—not simply your waistline, however your general well being and well-being. You want to perceive that this can be a actual, diagnosable situation that requires an actual answer.

And actually, in case you’re listening to this podcast, then you definitely’re already doing job of that. So stick with it. Preserve listening. Continue to learn. And in case you want extra info, then I might encourage you to go watch our free coaching, Wholesome, Blissful & Free in 2024, which is all about understanding the science behind what’s making us fats and sick, in addition to one of the simplest ways to truly get wholesome and shed some pounds in a means that’s sustainable long run.

So educate your self. Arm your self with data. As a result of data actually is energy.

Step 2: Get accountable

The second factor it’s essential to do is get accountable. You want to discover somebody or one thing that will help you keep on observe—somebody who can assist you and encourage you, but additionally somebody who can name you out if you’re headed for hassle.

And this might be numerous various things. It might be a buddy or a member of the family who’s keen to do that with you. It might be a coach or a coach or a physician. It might be an internet assist group—in truth, we’ve got an excellent lively Fb group for this podcast that you’re welcome to hitch. Simply seek for Thinlicious or Well being Insurgent on Fb and request to hitch, after which you will get entry to an entire bunch of different like-minded people who find themselves working to enhance their well being and shed some pounds.

Or it might even be a system—one thing like our Skinny Tailored System. As a result of the beauty of having a system that works is that it provides you a roadmap to observe, and that roadmap makes it simpler to remain accountable. It’s one thing that you recognize has labored for different individuals, and so in case you simply do the work, it’ll give you the results you want too.

No matter what or who you select to maintain your self accountable, simply be sure that they’re somebody or one thing that’s constructive and supportive. We don’t want any extra negativity in our lives, particularly once we’re making an attempt to beat dependancy.

Step 3: Make a plan

Now that you just’ve educated your self and located your accountability associate or system, it’s time to make a plan. A strong, actionable plan that can make it easier to break away out of your meals dependancy and take management of your well being.

This plan ought to embody issues like setting objectives for your self—each short-term and long-term ones. It ought to embody making small adjustments to start out off with, so that you don’t really feel too overwhelmed. It must also embody discovering more healthy options to your set off meals, and studying how one can take care of cravings in a wholesome means. And most significantly, it ought to embody setting your self up for fulfillment by making a supportive setting—each bodily and mentally.

Keep in mind, this plan doesn’t need to be good or set in stone. It could possibly evolve as you do and as you study what works finest for you. The bottom line is to have a plan in place, in order that if you’re confronted with temptations or challenges, you recognize precisely what to do.

Step 4: Take motion

Data and planning are nice, however they imply nothing in case you don’t take motion. This step is all about truly implementing your plan and making these adjustments in your life.

It’s not all the time going to be simple. There will probably be days if you slip up and provides in to your cravings or outdated habits. However that’s okay. Take it someday at a time and maintain transferring ahead. Each small step counts, and over time, they’ll add as much as large adjustments.

And keep in mind, you don’t have to do that alone. Lean in your assist system and attain out for assist if you want it. And most significantly, be type and affected person with your self all through this course of.

Step 5: Have a good time your progress

Lastly, don’t neglect to rejoice your progress! Regardless of how small or large, each step in the direction of overcoming your meals dependancy is price acknowledging and celebrating.

Take a while to replicate on how far you’ve come and the constructive adjustments you’ve made in your life. Reward your self to your onerous work and dedication. And use this as motivation to maintain going and proceed making progress in the direction of a more healthy, happier you.

Keep in mind, breaking free from meals dependancy is just not a simple journey, but it surely’s one which’s price taking. So keep educated, accountable, and have a plan in place. Then take motion and rejoice your progress alongside the way in which. You’ve acquired this! Now let’s go on the market and take again management of our well being from the sneaky meals business! 


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