Is It Dry Skin or Atopic Dermatitis?


For years, George Kramb, who’s 29 and lives in San Diego, CA, thought he had a extreme case of dry pores and skin.

“I had dry pores and skin mainly my complete life. It was at all times flaky, irritated, and even bought to the purpose of cracking,” he says. Typically, within the winter, his fingers have been so cracked and dry that he couldn’t open his palms.

Kramb tried over-the-counter ointments like Aquaphor, Cetaphil, and Gold Bond. “I used virtually each single lotion and ointment that CVS sells, and nothing labored. It might supply short-term aid however didn’t handle the underlying drawback,” he says.

What Kramb didn’t know was that he didn’t simply have dry pores and skin. He had atopic dermatitis. “It wasn’t till I used to be a teen and noticed a dermatologist that I bought a correct analysis,” he says.

What Is Atopic Dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a pores and skin situation the place itchy rashes come and go. It’s normally related to some kind of allergy.

“Not like dry pores and skin, AD is a power inflammatory illness,” says Annabelle Garcia, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and proprietor of Sonterra Dermatology in San Antonio, TX. “Signs typically seem as a rash in your pores and skin. In its moderate-to-severe type, AD could cause fixed itching, which may result in cracking and bleeding of the pores and skin.”

Frequent AD pores and skin signs embody:

  • Dry, discolored pores and skin
  • Itching
  • Painful or sore pores and skin
  • Rashes which will ooze fluid or bleed from scratching
  • Sleep issues from itching
  • Thick, hardened pores and skin from scratching

Consultants don’t know precisely what causes AD, however it might be associated to your genes and setting. When you or your loved ones members have bronchial asthma or allergic reactions, you’re extra prone to get AD.

“Atopic dermatitis sometimes begins in childhood however can seem at any age,” Garcia says. For some individuals, it tapers off once they become older. Others have it their complete life. AD could get higher at occasions after which flare up at different occasions.

How Is AD Totally different From Dry Pores and skin?

AD is greater than dry pores and skin. “Whereas each dry pores and skin and AD could make your pores and skin flaky, AD also can embody crimson or darkish rashes and protracted itch that may result in oozing and bleeding pores and skin lesions,” Garcia says.

You probably have AD, you will have an itch-scratch cycle. Your rash is itchy, so that you rub or scratch your pores and skin. That causes extra irritation and itching, so the cycle of itching and scratching retains going.

With AD, a power situation drives your signs, Garcia says.

Getting the Proper Analysis

Atopic dermatitis may be troublesome to diagnose, Garcia says. Your rash could appear to be psoriasis or poison ivy. You probably have darkish pores and skin, it might be much less noticeable, and it might take longer to get the precise analysis.

You probably have an itchy rash, see your physician. “It’s essential to know when you’re residing with AD so you may take the mandatory steps to regulate your pores and skin well being and discover a correct therapy,” Garcia says. Topical lotions could assist with dry pores and skin signs, however you may want a stronger therapy to focus on the trigger.

Kramb had a sense his dry pores and skin may very well be AD as a result of some flare-ups have been extreme. “My principle was confirmed once I met with the dermatologist, they prescribed my first steroid ointment, and it did wonders,” he says.

Treating AD

Discovering a therapy that works for you is a course of. If one doesn’t work, your physician could advocate one other.

It took Kramb some time to search out the right combination. He tried a variety of over-the-counter and prescription remedies, however they didn’t assist. Later, he discovered that steroid ointments and lotions work finest.

Kramb says studying that his dry pores and skin was atopic dermatitis impressed him to assist others. He created PatientPartner, which helps individuals who have comparable well being circumstances join to allow them to be taught from one another.

“Lots of people are nervous and scared to share their well being circumstances with others,” Kramb says. “I wished to create a protected place for them to share with each other to allow them to be taught and construct a neighborhood.”


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