Torchbearers of Justice – Celebrating Black Women of the Civil Rights Movement | NASW Member Voices


By Chad Dion Lassiter, MSW

Irrespective of the era, Black ladies have all the time been relentless advocates for change, combating tirelessly for equality, peace, and justice.

We should honor these ladies – the unyielding warriors who carved a path by way of the storm of prejudice and laid the inspiration for at this time’s Black ladies leaders.

Ella Baker, a key determine of the civil rights motion, devoted her life to the struggle for Black humanity. Greater than only a backroom strategist, she was integral within the creation of the Southern Christian Management Convention (SCLC) and the Pupil Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Baker championed the reason for “participatory democracy,” instructing Black folks about their rights, inspiring a era of younger leaders to take management of the battle, and serving to them arrange their very own communities. Her legacy was not simply in her actions, however in her relentless refusal to capitulate to any power that sought to undermine Black company and humanity.

Subsequent, we admire Fannie Lou Hamer, whose fierce spirit was emblematic of the lengths Black ladies have been prepared to go for his or her rights, their freedoms, and their dignity. From being a sharecropper in Mississippi to turning into a outstanding voting rights activist and a courageous voice on the 1964 Democratic Nationwide Conference, she unwaveringly stared down white rage and bigotry. The broad echo of Hamer’s timeless phrase, “I’m sick and uninterested in being sick and drained,” is a testomony to her unyielding spirit. She embodied the essence of resilience within the face of adversity, embodying the willpower of her folks.

Then there’s Shirley Chisholm, the warrior-politician, who relentlessly pursued peace and justice beneath the legislation for Black folks. Chisholm broke boundaries as the primary Black lady elected to Congress and the primary Black candidate for a significant occasion’s nomination for president. Her motto – “unbought and unbossed” – succinctly defines her lifelong  dedication to civil rights, her ardour for justice, and her unwavering integrity.

Carrying the torch into the modern period, Black ladies at this time are charting programs throughout quite a few fields: from politics, the place ladies like Kamala Harris maintain a few of the highest  positions of energy; to literature, with the works of authors like Roxane Homosexual and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shaping international narrative; and science, the place Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett was instrumental within the growth of a COVID-19 vaccine.

But the battle is way from over. Black ladies proceed to face boundaries in each sphere of life. That’s why it’s so necessary to attract inspiration from the likes of Baker, Hamer, Chisholm – and the numerous unsung sheroes who fought with them.

Their tireless pursuit of justice, their resilience, and their absolute refusal to surrender or give in should inform the way in which we honor their battle – by persevering with it. I’ve been impressed by every of them and I’m grateful for his or her contributions and the legacy of social change that they left.

As we have a good time these highly effective figures, let’s additionally lay declare to the trail they paved and decide to press ahead for the longer term they envisioned.

The work goes on, the trigger endures, the hope nonetheless lives, and the dream shall by no means die. Collectively, we rise.

(Photograph: Clockwise from prime left: Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer and Shirley Chisholm)

Chad Dion Lassiter

Chad Dion Lassiter is a nationally acknowledged professional in race relations. He has labored on race, peace, and poverty-related points in the US, Africa, Canada, Haiti, Israel, and Norway, and is steadily featured within the media offering commentary and options to racial points.

Lassiter is government director of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Fee, the place he has legislatively delegated authority to analyze filed complaints alleging the incidence of illegal discrimination within the areas of employment, housing and industrial property, schooling, and/or relating to public lodging.


Disclaimer: The Nationwide Affiliation of Social Employees invitations members to share their experience and experiences by way of Member Voices. This weblog was ready by Marisa Markowitz in her private capability and doesn’t essentially mirror the view of the Nationwide Affiliation of Social Employees.


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