Finding Flow – The Practice of Living Awareness


At numerous instances all through our 14-week program we are going to provide particular meditation workout routines. These might really feel slightly completely different than the others and that’s intentional. At the moment’s meditation is a kind of. It’s a physique scan meditation and it’s good to kick of the week’s theme: stream.

A physique scan meditation strikes consciousness from physique half to physique half and invitations the themes of weeks one and two to be put into motion… (1) smiling with what’s within the discipline of your consciousness—creating house for it to be simply as it’s; and (2) producing steadiness by touchdown focus and lingering with the direct expertise of explicit elements of the physique human… till it’s time to stream on to the following.

Can we be current second to second? Can we enable moments to stream, one to the following? Can we waft? Can we stick with the stream? It sounds easy, and it’s; nevertheless it’s not all the time really easy.

This meditation is slightly bit longer than most. We hope you’ll keep it up. Maybe you’ll even give it a attempt a number of instances this week. It’s an incredible exercise to your meditation muscle!

Yet another factor… chances are you’ll select to lie down for this one; maybe on a yoga mat or a blanket unfold out on the ground… getting comfy, but remaining alert.

Pleased physique scanning!

Flow Meditation – Day 1


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