Donald Robertson on The Stoic Emperor (Episode 122)


On this dialog, Caleb speaks with Donald Robertson about Marcus Aurelius. They dive into what we all know concerning the man and the essential episodes of his life.

Donald shares his ideas on the Marcomannic wars, whether or not Marcus Aurelius ordered the assassination of one in all his prime generals, and why he appointed Commodus as his successor.

They finish by discussing the central function that Stoicism and Stoic practices performed in Marcus Aurelius’s life.

Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor

How To Think Like A Roman Emperor

Donald Robertson’s Substack

(00:45) Altering Thoughts

(07:29) Commodus / Totally different Views of Historical past

(16:58) Marcomannic Wars

(33:42) What Marcus Aurelius Did not Say

(40:50) Stoicism in Marcus Aurelius’s Life

(49:41) Avidius Cassius

(01:01:18) Marcus Aurelius and Stoic Practices

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Because of Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music within the conversations:


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