My Quiet Life in Suffolk: St Andrew’s Church, Winston


 Lastly, a few weeks in the past, I discovered a church that was unlocked. Winston is a tiny village – (inhabitants  160) a mile or so from Debenham. The church is tucked away down a lane and primarily dates from the C14.

The porch dates from the early C15 and is fancy crimson brick with the niches for the saints.

It is a small quite simple church and the primary issues I observed had been the flowers on all of the windowsills, left there since Easter Sunday and searching pretty.

Wanting down the church to the Altar . The pews are quite simple and solely these within the chancel have carved ends which I forgot to {photograph} due to a woman coming in and shocking me. She was there to fetch again chairs to the village corridor – a small constructing subsequent door to the church.

The one stained glass are these two panels and 4 extra depicting the apostles

The font is apparent octagonal with a tall picket cowl.

This embroidery hanging on the pulpit caught my eye – very superbly performed.

Like many church buildings the stairway within the wall and opening excessive up present there was as soon as a rood display with candles between nave and chancel

Again Tomorrow



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