Focused Attention – The Practice of Living Awareness


Have we been experiencing the breath or observing the breath? Have we been experiencing the thoughts or observing the thoughts? The reply is each.

Each expertise and statement gather knowledge; but, they can really feel markedly totally different.

As we expertise, we register data with our perceptions in a subjective approach. The information we obtain because the observer feels a bit extra goal. Observing entails mindstuff: consideration, intention, focus, focus, and maybe a little bit of discernment alongside the best way.

At this time we are going to observe holding the thoughts regular by utilizing anchors such because the breath, sounds, or bodily sensations. The trick is discerning whether or not you might be steadily observing the free-flow of knowledge within the type of vitality and knowledge… or simply plain drifting off into story land.

Pleased meditating.

Mind Meditation – Day 2


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