The Diamond Sutra (46) – Zen Fools


Half 14-4

“If, within the last 5 hundred years of the approaching world, a sentient being hears this sutra, believes in it, understands it, accepts it and upholds it, he would be the rarest.”


The explanation why a sentient being who, listening to this Sutra, believes in it, understands it, accepts it and upholds it, is the rarest, is that believing in, understanding, accepting and upholding this Sutra is so troublesome that it’s uncommon for a sentient being to take action. The core of Buddhism is Oneness, non-duality, which signifies that all the things is basically one though issues look like many and totally different from one another. And the Oneness is known as the Buddha, the true-Self. What all of the Sutras, together with the Diamond Sutra, inform us isn’t any apart from this.

So, when all issues are one because the true-Self, this Sutra we’re studying now and we ourselves ought to be one with the true-Self. Then, there isn’t any distinction amongst this Sutra, the true-Self and us. Solely once we realise this could we be mentioned to have the ability to perceive, settle for and maintain this Sutra. Once we learn this Sutra on this approach, in studying the phrases ‘he would be the rarest’, we must always have the ability to see the true-Self in every phrase as a substitute of following the phrases that it’s so troublesome to simply accept and maintain this Sutra that there are few who can do it.

Pupil: “How can I settle for this Sutra?”

Grasp: “I’m nervous that the ugliness of the household can be recognized to the skin.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway


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