Syllabus Showcase: Yoga and Philosophy, Steve Geisz


There are a lot of methods of doing good and delightful philosophy, and there are numerous methods of instructing philosophy that may rework college students’ lives and perhaps even blow their minds.

Nonetheless, regardless of all these other ways of doing and instructing philosophy, a lot of what will get regarded as “philosophy”—and positively most of what will get carried out in tutorial philosophy settings—entails primarily phrases and word-like ideas.  There’s, it’s truthful to say, little in the best way of bodily exercise for philosophy college students, particularly philosophy college students in a school classroom—apart from, after all, the comparatively minimal sorts of bodily exercise that consist in sitting on a chair whereas attempting to look attentive or the sorts of bodily motion concerned in writing one thing down, turning a web page, or manipulating some digital gadget or different.

However what if we may do philosophy far more clearly with and thru the physique?

This specific what-if query has gripped me, each in my scholarship and my instructing, since at the very least that point a couple of dozen-and-a-half years in the past when I discovered myself in an introductory yoga class at a neighborhood studio and I found that, for me, at the very least, conventional metaphysical mind-body issues can look fairly a bit totally different when one’s ass is situated in area above one’s head.  I received hooked on doing yoga and quite a lot of different contemplative physique practices, and, within the years since, I’ve been lucky sufficient to have colleagues who gave me the liberty to experiment with methods of bringing varied types of yoga and yoga-like contemplative physique observe into my instructing.

One results of that experimentation is a course I recurrently educate known as “Yoga and Philosophy.”  This course is an introduction to each philosophy and yoga observe.  We learn Indian philosophical and spiritual texts and do lots of the types of issues that usually get carried out in an intro-level faculty philosophy programs, however we additionally do hatha yoga observe collectively:  we study and observe asana (that’s, yoga postures), pranayama (i.e., yoga methods for working with breath/power), dhyana (i.e., meditation), mudra (i.e., ritualized positionings of the fingers and fingers), and, to a lesser extent, mantra (i.e., vocalizations of varied sounds).

A few of my important targets as a instructor of this course are:

  • To introduce college students to philosophy typically and to a sure sort of comparative philosophy particularly.
  • To offer college students an accessible however wealthy expertise of doing Indian-style yoga.
  • To get college students aware of a key set of texts and claims from Indian philosophical, spiritual, and religious traditions.
  • To indicate college students easy methods to learn texts fastidiously, critically, and slowly.
  • To show college students among the variations between tutorial displays of the fabric we’re learning and displays by varied types of “insider” academics and practitioners—and to encourage college students to search out worth in each.
  • To ask college students to mirror on the complexities, subtleties, and tensions which might be in every single place within the research and observe of these things by individuals dwelling within the right here and now that my college students and I occupy.
  • To be deeply respectful of and but appropriately playful with the practices we do and the traditions with which we’re partaking.

I’ve modified the course up a number of occasions since I first taught it in 2015, however, in each iteration, two of the important thing readings have been the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.  Since that is an intro-level course and many of the college students haven’t any prior background in philosophy or in tutorial research of Indian tradition, I select very accessible translations and I attempt to fill in what may be misplaced in translation by having college students study the important thing Sanskrit philosophical phrases and discussing what’s at stake in varied decisions the translators make.

In my different programs, I typically current myself to college students as a more durable instructor than I the truth is am.  Nonetheless, once I’m inviting my college students to maneuver their our bodies into weak positions and to check out contemplative practices that may fire up a lot of emotion, I must create the most secure of secure areas for them in each potential dimension, and in these moments the “powerful instructor” persona must be put aside in favor of extra unambiguous heat and kindness.  I believe I get that steadiness proper a number of the time on this Yoga and Philosophy course, however I’m nonetheless figuring it out.  I’ve written about among the pedagogical challenges of instructing this Yoga and Philosophy course and different, related programs in “Body Practice and Meditation as Philosophy:  Teaching Qigong, Taijiquan, and Yoga in College Courses” (Educating Philosophy 39, no. 2, 115 – 132].

I didn’t begin instructing this course till I had accomplished an preliminary 200-hour yoga teacher-training program.  There are vital issues about security and, extra typically, about greatest practices for guiding individuals by means of contemplative physique practices, and each ethics and prudence most likely demand that one not educate yoga with out some sort of formal coaching as a yoga instructor.  I used to be lucky to have gotten monetary assist from my college that coated a non-trivial portion of the prices of my preliminary yoga teacher-training.  In case you are occupied with incorporating any sort of yoga observe into your programs and also you don’t have specialised yoga instructor coaching, one method could be to discover a educated yoga teacher to return in and information the observe parts of your class for you.

With this course, I’ve not occasionally discovered that the scholars would go surprisingly silent on me.  At first I couldn’t determine it out.  We’d be learning some doubtlessly fascinating declare in regards to the metaphysics of thoughts or the tragic-beautiful nature of the human situation as described in considered one of our texts, and I’d make certain I had led the scholars into the dialogue with all of the background information they wanted to have interaction with the concepts and to have a high-level and enjoyable mental dialog—and but there could be silence.

It took me some time (and a few mild questioning) to find that learning these specific philosophical texts in a school setting that features yoga observe as a part of the course would typically lead the scholars into one thing like shocked surprise.  They had been under no circumstances disengaged, however they might not know the way even to start to speak about what they had been considering and experiencing with out extra steerage and assist from me as a instructor.  In brief, the course actually can blow their minds.

The Syllabus Showcase of the APA Weblog is designed to share insights into the syllabi of philosophy educators. We embrace syllabi of their unique, unedited format that showcase all kinds of philosophy lessons.  We might love so that you can be part of this venture. Please contact Sequence Editor, Dr. Matt Deaton by way of or Editor of the Educating Beat, Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall by way of with potential submissions.

Steve Geisz

Steve Geisz is Professor of Philosophy on the College of Tampa. His analysis focuses on the ways in which physique methods and contemplative practices corresponding to yoga, qigong, martial arts, and meditation are embodiments of philosophical concepts and strategies of doing philosophy.  He’s a 500-hour registered yoga instructor (RYT 500). He additionally teaches qigong and practices taijiquan.

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