Letting Go Of Toxic Thoughts | Nutritionist | Health Coach | Speaker


frustrationIs a fewfactor or someone attending to you? Is there baggage you can’t let go of? Is stuff taking over area in your head, invading your treasured actual property? What’s it? What’s bothering you?

Letting go of poisonous ideas

What do you do? What’s your ordinary plan – your modus operandi? To “eat over it?” Cram or drive the ideas and emotions down with Oreos? As Dr. Phil would say, “So, how’s that working for you?” Not properly, I guess.

How will we determine and let go of poisonous ideas – these itty-bitty shitty committee ideas?

Some individuals use train to clear their head, certainly technique. Hitting a punching bag or screaming right into a pillow will also be therapeutic.

A device to assist

In order for you one thing that’s not fairly so action-packed or dramatic, merely decide up a pen and begin writing. No matter flows out of your pen, simply write. Name it a stream of consciousness. It’s for nobody’s profit however your individual – nobody will learn it. I assure you’ll really feel higher.

I’ve been journaling for a lot of many years. I don’t write daily – though I’ve after I wanted to. I write when some factor in my headspace received’t go away me alone. I write after I’m annoyed, offended, unhappy, depressed. There’s one thing about purging my ideas that takes its energy away.

I write, too, after I’m blissful, joyful, feeling blessed. Writing extends my pleasure. Good.

The facility of the pen

Shoppers I work with like Marie – who start this journaling observe – acknowledge the facility, the facility of the pen. Marie is aware of her ideas and feelings have an effect on her habits…significantly her consuming habits. The place as soon as she used meals to consolation herself, take care of feelings…life, she’s realized to get it out. She likes the considered her head being treasured actual property. “I don’t need difficult individuals, ideas, or emotions taking over headspace. I’ve life to steer.”

Beginning to write wasn’t straightforward for Marie, however she realized. She would possibly write about her day, what occurred, why she felt a sure approach and so forth. As writing turned behavior, her ideas flowed extra simply. She had life frustrations – a name along with her boss, her live-in boyfriend, her father. Marie obtained it out on paper, releasing her angst.

Letter-writing as a device

We additionally used a letter-writing train. Marie’s get-it-out-of-my-system letters had been written – after all to not be mailed – however to free her thoughts. Some examples:

“Pricey Shopper, we labored exhausting collectively. I believed we had relationship and also you had religion in my talents. We spent numerous hours houses, houses I selected based mostly upon your standards. What occurred? Why did you ghost me?”

“Pricey Important Different, I do know you like me however why should you insist on sabotaging my efforts to steer a extra healthful life? I’m making an attempt my greatest to make good meals decisions and never forcing these decisions on you. Please hear! I’m doing it for me, however whenever you carry residence a favourite deal with of mine, it drives me insane. You don’t get it. What do you say? “Honey, you’ve been doing so good. You deserve this. You may have only one.” No. I. Can’t. Not now. Sometime, however not now. I’m not there. You don’t get it since you’ve by no means struggled along with your weight and shallowness. Please assist me. Attempt to perceive me.”

letter writingThe letter-writing methodology was a path Marie took to make use of the facility of the pen. After getting the gist of it and transferring her ideas to paper, Marie obtained comfy journaling regularly – a extra productive (and wholesome) option to take care of her feelings. Consuming over them wasn’t the reply!

Studying to make use of the facility of the pen as a coping mechanism turned essential to Marie’s emotional well being. By means of writing, she purged disquieting ideas.

Whereas the liberty that comes with this is probably not lifesaving, it’s self-saving.

(Necessary observe: Journaling is a useful gizmo however does not remedy all issues – please benefit from a licensed therapist as wanted.)



Jennifer Neily, MS, RDN, LD, FAND
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist | Wellcoach® Licensed Well being Coach
Take a look at my Neily on Nutrition YouTube channel! And comply with me @NeilyonNutrition (Fb/Instagram)

Photograph credit score: pixabay.com


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