Air Fryer Eggs | Kara Lydon


Air fryer eggs are straightforward to peel and prepared in Quarter-hour or much less! Making hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs has by no means been simpler!hard boiled egg sliced in half, salt and pepper, on white plate

If you wish to make fast and easy-to-peel hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, it’s a must to strive them within the air fryer!

You don’t want to attend for water to boil or fear about dirtying a pot. You’ll be able to merely pop your eggs onto the air fryer basket and let the air fryer work its magic.

Excellent for meal prep for the week, making arduous boiled eggs for egg salad, or a soft-boiled egg for breakfast.

They’re tremendous straightforward to peel too! Simpler than stovetop eggs.

Substances You’ll Want

ingredients: eggs in clear bowl, white background

Gear You’ll Want

Air Fryer (affiliate hyperlink – I obtain a small fee in the event you make a purchase order)

How one can Make Air Fryer Eggs

four steps illustrated

Step 1: Place your eggs in air fryer basket leaving loads of room between eggs. Set temperature to 275 levels F and set timer based mostly on desired egg:

For hard-boiled eggs, prepare dinner for 13-Quarter-hour.

For jammy eggs, prepare dinner for 12-13 minutes.

For soft-boiled eggs, prepare dinner for 9/11 minutes.

Step 2: Instantly switch cooked eggs to ice water bathtub. 

Step 3: Peel eggs earlier than having fun with or retailer within the fridge till prepared to make use of.

Knowledgeable Suggestions

If cooking a number of varieties of eggs (arduous and soft-boiled), prepare dinner second batch on the decrease vary of time because the air fryer will basically have been preheated from first batch. Or, a extra environment friendly choice could be to prepare dinner all eggs directly and take them out at set intervals, i.e. set the time for Quarter-hour however take out a pair for soft-boiled on the 9 minute mark, and let the remainder prepare dinner for Quarter-hour till hard-boiled.

Air fryers range by producer when it comes to cooking instances and temperatures so cooking instances might range barely relying on what sort of air fryer you will have.

cook time, 9, 12, 15 minutes, eggs sliced in half on black background

Recipe FAQs

Will eggs explode within the air fryer?

It’s a fantasy that eggs will explode within the air fryer. When cooked correctly in response to directions, eggs is not going to explode within the air fryer.

What number of eggs are you able to prepare dinner within the air fryer?

It actually relies on the scale of the air fryer you’re utilizing. I’ve a XXL air fryer and might comfortably match a number of eggs.

How lengthy are you able to retailer air fryer eggs for?

It’s greatest to retailer hard-boiled eggs with shells on within the fridge to guard them from any micro organism or absorbing any odors within the fridge. Eggs may be saved for as much as one week within the fridge. If eggs have already been peeled, hold them contemporary and moist by putting a moist paper towel above and beneath in an hermetic container.

How do you employ air fryer eggs?

I like making arduous boiled eggs within the air fryer to have readily available for snacks in the course of the week or for baby-led weaning meals for my child. I season with salt and pepper or my favourite, EBTB seasoning. I additionally will make arduous boiled eggs and chop them up / mix with mayo for egg salad to make use of on sandwiches.

I additionally will make mushy boiled eggs to have with breakfast (and dunk with toast, clearly) or make jammy eggs to placed on high of salads for lunch!

Recipes That Pair Properly

For extra air fryer recipes, try mine beneath!

In the event you like this recipe, please remember to remark and provides it a 5 star score beneath. In the event you make it, share it on Instagram and tag me @karalydonrd and I’ll re-share it with my followers! If you wish to save this recipe for later, remember to pin it on Pinterest!


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Air fryer eggs are straightforward to peel and prepared in Quarter-hour or much less! Making hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs has by no means been simpler!

  • Eggs
  • Non-obligatory: salt and pepper or EBTB seasoning

  1. Place your eggs in air fryer basket leaving loads of room between eggs. Set temperature to 275 levels F and set timer based mostly on desired egg.
  2. For hard-boiled eggs, prepare dinner for 13-Quarter-hour.
  3. For jammy eggs, prepare dinner for 12-13 minutes.
  4. For soft-boiled eggs, prepare dinner for 9/11 minutes.
  5. Instantly switch cooked eggs to ice water bathtub to chill for about 5 minutes.
  6. Peel eggs earlier than having fun with or retailer within the fridge till prepared to make use of.


  1. Unpeeled arduous boiled eggs may be saved for as much as one week within the fridge. If eggs have already been peeled, hold them contemporary and moist by putting a moist paper towel above and beneath in an hermetic container.
  2. Unpeeled mushy boiled eggs may be saved for as much as two days within the fridge however is greatest loved served heat.
  3. If cooking a number of varieties of eggs (arduous and soft-boiled), prepare dinner second batch on the decrease vary of cooking time because the air fryer will basically have been preheated from first batch. Or, a extra environment friendly choice could be to prepare dinner all eggs directly and take them out at set intervals, i.e. set the time for Quarter-hour however take out a pair for soft-boiled on the 9 minute mark, and let the remainder prepare dinner for Quarter-hour till hard-boiled.
  4. Air fryers range by producer when it comes to cooking instances and temperatures so cooking instances might range barely relying on what sort of air fryer you will have.

  • Prep Time: 0 minutes
  • Prepare dinner Time: Quarter-hour
  • Methodology: Air Fryer

Key phrases: air fryer eggs, the right way to make eggs in air fryer

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