Thankyou and some Housekeeping | A simple living journey


Hi there pricey readers! Only a fast thanks submit at present and a few blogger housekeeping I assumed I ought to replace you on. 

Firstly, I want to take a second to thank everybody for persevering with to learn right here. I do know running a blog has gone out of vogue for essentially the most half, with folks preferring the instant-ness of Instagram, however I admire these of you who nonetheless go to right here and stick with me by the typically sporadic postings! 

As Elsie will get older, we’re discovering a greater rhythm to our days and as you will have observed blogs have gotten increasingly more frequent once more. I’m enormously having fun with having the time and headspace to put in writing and share our life on this platform. I additionally love blogs as they’re a means of writers sharing their lives extra deeply, and I really feel authentically. 

After I’m right here I haven’t got to fret if the little Instagram squares look balanced or interesting, what hash tags are trending, or making an attempt to make content material the algorithm likes. I don’t take into consideration whether or not or not I ought to pay to spice up posts so they do not get misplaced among the many plenty. (I at the moment do not.) I am making an attempt to grasp that aspect of Instagram, however between you and me, I prefer it higher right here.   

However inside that, for folks to really discover this weblog and the opposite issues we try to create (just like the YouTube channel) I’ve a small favour to ask. If you’re on YouTube, Instagram or Fb please think about taking a minute to love and subscribe to my web page/account or simply hit hit like on the belongings you get pleasure from studying about. The hyperlinks are all in my sidebar so they’re simple to search out.

I do know it appears small, but it surely actually does assist ship the message to the web powers that be, that there’s curiosity right here, and that the straightforward dwelling message is price sharing to a broader viewers. And therefore, it helps this little nook be discovered by these looking for a distinct life. An easier life. 
And at last, to people who do like, subscribe and take the time to electronic mail or go away beautiful feedback….

Thanks for persevering with to learn and go to. Thanks for taking the outing of your day to attach and let me know that one thing I’ve written or shared has resonated with you lengthy sufficient so that you can cease and truly let me learn about it. The feedback are the factor that has saved me going over time. The kindness proven and the flexibility to fulfill like minded souls in a world that appears intent on wanting in all places however inside our houses and our households for pleasure, contentment and wonder. This sort of life, although maybe not glamorous nor showy issues. It is necessary. Maybe extra so now than ever. 

For those who had been subscribed, it appears the e-mail subscription on this weblog is now not working and that individual gadget has since been discontinued. Being the technological numpty that I’m, I do not know who was subscribed, nor the place to search out such an inventory, or even when such an inventory was obtainable to me. Sadly, there does not appear to be a brand new means of including one.  However I at all times add new posts to Instagram and Fb so in the event you comply with alongside there, you received’t miss out. 

A lot love pricey readers. 



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