RMT Club Mobility Training Exercise for Better Coordination


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This is a shoulder
and stability drill
called the Up & Over. It’s a spiraling action using the RMT
. I’m using the 4 pound club; you can use a lighter 2 pound club or
heavier 6 and 8 pound clubs to vary the intensity.

The movement looks like this:

I’m going to begin in front of my
body, keeping the club low. I’m going to go across my body with the club and
pronate, rolling the hand inward. I come up with the club, over and behind my
head. I come down, dropping the elbow and letting it come inwards, bring the
club back down to the starting position and roll down my hand once it gets back
to center.

This mobility exercise is really at the bottom and apex of the movement.
You want to really think of an up and down movement. You’re going to really
find a lot of fluidity in the movement. You can regulate how far the elbow
comes in and you can move the body with it to create more dynamic integration
and rhythm of the shoulder joint.

To start out, go very slowly. You
make sure to pronate on the way up, make sure you create length in the triceps
as the club approaches the apex of the movement. Bringing it around and down,
you can also touch the floor with the club before doing the finishing rotation
with the hand. Take it step by step at first until it feels smooth. This is a movement where you’re likely to
feel a dramatic difference between your dominant and non-dominant side
. The
key to doing it on your dominant side first, finding that rhythm that makes the
movement fluid and then going back and comparing that to your non-dominant side
[for non-dominant
side training
]. That way, the nervous system has a reference point and you
can sort of download that coordination when you’re doing the non-dominant side.
That’s our up and over using the RMT

If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check these out next…

& Full Body Mobility Training: Spiraling Tea Cup

Mobility Training: Importance of Stability & Motion


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