BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese


This superb vegan macaroni and cheese dish is so over-the-top creamy and scrumptious, your dinner visitors gained’t consider that it’s utterly plant-based! Plus, you’ll be able to prepare dinner the entire thing up in about quarter-hour, in one-pot. Then serve the entire pot on the desk to keep away from pointless cleanup. Speak about a straightforward approach to get dinner on the desk! To not point out that the entire household (younger and previous alike) is for certain to like this ooey-gooey, wealthy, and yummy BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese. You may make it gluten-free by utilizing gluten-free pasta and swapping out the flour for cornstarch. Plus, add in some frozen peas or broccoli to push up the veggies. It’s topped with chopped parsley and crushed vegan puffs (spicy is healthier) for a colourful, tasty crunch. You possibly can skip that step, in case you like.

BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese

BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese

BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese

BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese

I realized the best way to make this fabulous mac & cheese compliments of the oldsters at Vitalite plant-based cheeses, who shared this recipe with me. I made just a few customized edits to make it my very own. This recipe is heavy on style and a tad decadent (it’s not precisely “wholesome”), however I believe that’s okay each now once more—particularly when it’s one thing as delish as this!

BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese

BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese



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BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese

  • Creator:
    The Plant-Powered Dietitian

  • Whole Time:

  • Yield:
    8 servings (about 1 ¼ cups every) 1x

  • Eating regimen:


The entire household (younger and previous alike) is for certain to like this ooey-gooey, wealthy, and yummy BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac & Cheese.

Mac and Cheese:



  1. Add 3 cups of the plant-based milk, water, olive oil, tahini paste, Dijon mustard, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper to a large pot. Stir nicely to mix, then warmth over medium warmth, stirring regularly, till it involves a boil.
  2. In a small dish, combine remaining one cup of plant-based milk with flour with a whisk till clean. Add to the pot together with the noodles. Stir nicely and prepare dinner for 8-10 minutes, till pasta is all dente (cooked, but agency to the chew).
  3. Take away pot from warmth, and stir in plant-based cheese, mixing till cheese is melted and the combination is thick and clean.
  4. Elective: Make a small opening within the bag of spicy puffs (or place them on a chopping board) and roll with a rolling pan to crush the puffs into small items. Sprinkle the crushed puffs and contemporary chopped parsley evenly over the floor of the mac & cheese.
  5. Serve instantly in pot. Makes 8 servings (about 1 ½ cups every).


Make it gluten-free by utilizing corn starch as an alternative of all-purpose flour, and gluten-free pasta or noodles.

Strive including frozen broccoli or peas to slot in extra wholesome veggies.

  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Prepare dinner Time: 13 minutes
  • Class: Entree
  • Delicacies: American


  • Serving Measurement: 1 serving
  • Energy: 374
  • Sugar: 1 g
  • Sodium: 513 mg
  • Fats: 18 g
  • Saturated Fats: 10 g
  • Carbohydrates: 40 g
  • Fiber: 7 g
  • Protein: 9 g

Key phrases: vegan mac and cheese, straightforward mac and cheese, wholesome vegan mac and cheese

For different plant-based consolation meals recipes, try:

Vegetable Pot Pie with Whole Wheat Biscuit Topping
Veggie Eggplant Bake
Vegan Tamale Pie

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