Beet Smoothie – Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian


Beets are filled with particular vitamins linked with decreasing irritation and aiding in quite a lot of advantages, from lowering the danger of most cancers and hypertension, to optimizing athletic efficiency. At any time when nature paints vegatables and fruits in lovely colours, as she does with beets, you typically discover these colours are the markers of phytochemicals that present particular bioactive advantages in meals. And that’s not all–the beet greens are filled with nutritional vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals too. I attempt to embrace beets in my food plan frequently, and a method I do that’s so as to add beets to my smoothie recipes. You possibly can drop a contemporary beet–together with the greens for final vitamin–into smoothies. This wholesome, plant-based, gluten-free beet smoothie recipe consists of one full beet with greens, together with brightly coloured berries and flax seeds, to create a brilliantly coloured, nutritious beet root smoothie. Mix it up and luxuriate in two smoothies in only a few minutes for an awesome begin to your day, in addition to an influence snack or gentle meal.



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Beet Smoothie

  • Creator:
    The Plant-Powered Dietitian

  • Complete Time:
    7 minutes

  • Yield:
    2 servings 1x

  • Food regimen:


Make a super-healthy smoothie out of the entire beet plant, from root to leaves, with this scrumptious beet smoothie recipe.

  • 1 contemporary medium beet root with greens
  • 1 cup pomegranate seeds or berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries), contemporary or frozen, unsweetened
  • 2 cups plant-based milk, plain, unsweetened (i.e., soy, oat, almond)
  • 2 tablespoons flax seeds, floor
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup (non-obligatory)


  1. Take away beet greens from beet root and coarsely chop the greens. Add greens to the container of a blender
  2. Scrub beet root with a vegetable brush and quarter (don’t peel). Add to the blender container.
  3. Add pomegranate seeds or berries to the blender container.
  4. Add plant-based milk, flax seeds, and maple syrup to blender container.
  5. Course of on excessive till very easy (about 2-3 minutes). 
  6. Pour into 2 glasses and luxuriate in! Makes 2 (2 cups every) smoothies. 

  • Prep Time: 7 minutes
  • Class: Smoothie
  • Delicacies: American

Key phrases: beet smoothie, beet smoothie recipe, beet root smoothie

For different smoothies, try the next:

Purple Power Blueberry Smoothie
Golden Turmeric Smoothie
Green Pistachio Smoothie
Zingy Avocado Banana Smoothie

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