{Free Webinar} Fighting Cancer With Your Fork! Wednesday, Jan 18th 8pm ET


Glad New 12 months Buddies!! I’m smack dab in the midst of the Eat the Rainbow problem, and I do know a lot of you might be taking part! If you wish to try the data, you’ll be able to find it under the “eat the rainbow” category of articles.

You too can take heed to the Eat the Rainbow info through my podcast! I’ve been updating it weekly with the subject of the week. Simply subscribe to The Cancer Dietitian podcast wherever you prefer to hear!

I’ve received quite a lot of plans for packages in 2023. I’ll be doing diet webinars each different month, and releasing recipe movies each different month. I’m excited that Angela Dennison, from Wellness House in Chicago, shall be serving to out with the recipe movies.

I like collaborating with different dietitians. It makes my job far more enjoyable! You’ll keep in mind her from our September cooking class! She taught me all kinds of great tricks!

Please be a part of me for my January webinar – Combating Most cancers With Your Fork!

I’ll focus on probably the most researched meals in terms of diet and most cancers. I’ll speak you thru the present evidence-based suggestions for a survivor weight loss program and doubtless bust some myths as we go alongside!

Wednesday, January 18th at 8 pm ET

Plan for an hour, however I’m pleased to remain on after to reply any questions you’ve got.

Subjects to be mentioned:

  • Proof primarily based suggestions concerning diet for survivorship and most cancers danger discount.
  • Particular meals which were studied for most cancers danger discount
  • Suggestions on what your total meals consumption sample ought to be for optimum well being

The webinar shall be recorded and obtainable afterwards. Recording posted on cancerdietitian.com and in addition the Most cancers Dietitian YouTube channel!

Hope to “see you” there!


Mindful Eating During the Holidays, Gratitude for YOU & Cancer Dietitian Memories!

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