Digital Library Project, Bhaktivedanta Research Center (Kolkata) – The Indian Philosophy Blog


Introducing the Digital Library Undertaking

Bhaktivedanta Analysis Heart, Kolkata, India

Proper earlier than the introduction of English schooling in India, a brand new type of philosophising emerged, particularly in Bengal, often called Navya-Nyāya. Since Nabadwip was one of many predominant centres of Navya-Nyāya scholarship in Bengal throughout 15th– 17th Century, many necessary works on Navya-Nyāya have been written throughout this era by Nabadwip students. A few of these have been printed later, however many of those printed works usually are not accessible now. The few copies which can be found are additionally not in good situation. These are the works the place Bengal’s mental contribution shines forth. We’ve digitized a few of these supplies and have uploaded these within the current digital platform.  

As a lineage of this Nabadwip custom, many pandits (conventional students) produced many necessary philosophical works, some in Sanskrit and most in Bengali, who have been residents of Kolkata throughout early nineteenth and twentieth century. Most of those works have been printed in early 1900 from Kolkata and a few from neighbouring cities. These works introduced in a form of Renaissance in reviving classical Indian philosophical deliberations in Bengal. Makes an attempt have been made to add these books and articles within the current digital platform.

With the introduction of colonial schooling, a gaggle of philosophers acquired educated in European philosophy and tried to interpret insights from Classical Indian Philosophy in new mild. Kolkata was one of many predominant centres of this cosmopolitan philosophical scholarship. The works of many of those philosophers from Kolkata have been printed in early/center of twentieth century. These philosophers are the true representatives of twentieth century Indian philosophy. Efforts have been made to add these works within the current digital platform.

The aim of developing the current digital platform is to allow the researchers to have entry to those philosophical works with the hope that the philosophical contributions of those philosophers will probably be studied and critically assessed ensuing within the enrichment of philosophical repertoire.

We take this chance to enchantment to fellow students to counterpoint this digital library by lending us their private assortment associated to those areas for digitization.

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