The Diamond Sutra (13) – Zen Fools


“Subhuti, what do you assume— is the house to the east measurable in thought?” “No, World Honoured One.”

“Subhuti, is the house to the south, or the west, or the north, or the 4 intermediate instructions, or the zenith, or the nadir, measurable in thought?” “No, World Honoured One.”

“Subhuti, the advantage of the Bodhisattvas’ observe of charity with out dwelling on kinds can also be like this—it can’t be measured in thought.”

“Subhuti, the Bodhisattvas ought to stay simply as they’re taught.”


What should be saved in thoughts right here is that the core of Buddhism is non-duality, Oneness. We must always not fall into the error of concerning advantage as completely different from the true-Self. The advantage that’s separate from the true-Self is simply mundane advantage which means good karma since there may be nothing however the true-Self once we don’t dwell on something. So, though this paragraph seems to explain how nice the advantage of the observe of charity with out dwelling on kinds is, it’s really revealing the boundless and formless Buddha, the true-Self that seems earlier than us once we cease dwelling on kinds.

Subsequently, ‘the Bodhisattvas ought to stay simply as they’re taught’ signifies that we Buddhists ought to stay with out dwelling on kinds. That’s, we should always see every part because the Buddha and the place we’re because the Pure Land.

Scholar: “What’s advantage?”

Grasp: “Not advantage.”

Scholar: “The Buddha mentioned that advantage is inconceivable.”

Grasp: “Don’t dwell on something.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway


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