What the Evidence Says about whether Studying Philosophy Makes People Better Thinkers


It says: “we’d like extra proof.”

In “Does Studying Philosophy Make People Better Thinkers?“, Michael Prinzing (Baylor) and Michael Vazquez (UNC) survey the present proof on the connection between considering abilities and the research of philosophy, and current some new knowledge. 

Proof signifies that “on common philosophers are higher at logical reasoning, extra reflective, and extra open-minded than non-philosophers.” Philosophers are extra “intellectually virtuous,” as they put it (besides on the highest ranges of training):

Determine 1 from “Does Finding out Philosophy Make Folks Higher Thinkers?” by Michael Prinzing & Michael Vazquez. “Logical reasoning capacity, reflectiveness, and open-minded considering, grouped by philosophical coaching. Factors point out means and error bars point out 95% confidence intervals. The y-axis has been standardized for ease of comparisons throughout measures. Therefore, 0 signifies the common; 1 signifies one customary deviation above common, and so forth.”

But the correlation between philosophical training and these mental virtues doesn’t clarify the matter of causation. It may very well be that finding out philosophy leads folks to be higher thinkers in these methods (that’s, the correlation is defined by remedy results), or it may very well be that philosophical research attracts individuals who have already got these qualities (that’s, the correlation is defined by choice results), or some mixture.

To assist settle the matter, Prinzing and Vazquez in contrast college students in the course of the first week of an introductory philosophy class with the final inhabitants of adults within the U.S. They write:

One technique for investigating the query of remedy versus choice results is to evaluate college students proper as they begin their first philosophy course. If college students on the very starting of their philosophical training are not any totally different from their friends, or from the inhabitants at giant, then the variations we’ve noticed between philosophers and non-philosophers could be attributable to a remedy impact. Then again, if these college students already rating considerably increased than others, then the variations we’ve got noticed are doubtless due primarily if not solely to choice results.

The info they collected recommend that self-selection might clarify the prevalence of the mental advantage of “reflectiveness” amongst those that’ve studied philosophy, whereas finding out philosophy might certainly lead college students to develop or enhance the mental virtues of “open mindedness,” having the ability to “see issues from one other’s standpoint,” and having the ability to “think about what an neutral third get together may take into consideration their state of affairs.” In terms of the standard of “mental humility,” the proof was, appropriately sufficient, inconclusive.

Prinzing and Vazquez additionally checked out findings from a research on how college students’ considering modifications throughout an ethics course, evaluating the ethics college students with psychology college students originally and finish of a semester. They write:

The outcomes indicated that the philosophy college students modified their views on [ethical questions covered in the course], and extra so than the psychology college students. Moreover, the researchers discovered that the philosophy college students, however not the psychology college students, confirmed a decreased tendency to base their moral views on instinct and emotion versus deliberation and evaluation. Amongst philosophy college students particularly, the diploma to which college students decreased their reliance on instinct and emotion predicted the diploma to which they modified their moral beliefs. That is an thrilling set of outcomes, each as a result of it means that philosophy programs affect the way in which that folks suppose about real-world points, and likewise as a result of it means that the mechanism behind these modifications is a trait that we all know philosophers show to a remarkably excessive diploma (i.e., a bent to interact in reasoning and reflection).


The philosophy college students… turned extra inclined to suppose that it’s morally unsuitable to: “belief your intuitions with out rationally analyzing them,” maintain “on to beliefs when there’s substantial proof towards them,” or “depend on the rest aside from logic and proof when deciding what’s true” (these are quotes from the survey questions). That is proof of a remedy impact.

They add: “Whether or not it’s a fascinating remedy impact, then again, is much less clear.”

The authors additionally embody within the paper some considerate remarks concerning the extent to which philosophical abilities might (or might not) switch to different domains.

Ultimately, although, the outcomes are inconclusive:

The first takeaway from our assessment of empirical proof, due to this fact, is that there merely isn’t sufficient of it. If we wish clearer proof, it appears doubtless that we might want to collect it ourselves. For this cause, we urge philosophers to start accumulating knowledge that may present proof for remedy results.

The total paper is here.

Associated: “Philosophy Majors & High Standardized Test Scores: Not Just Correlation” by Thomas Metcalf (Spring Hill), which Prinzing and Vazquez critically focus on of their paper.

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