Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test review and my results


Sharing my expertise with Hair Tissue Mineral Evaluation and my outcomes.

Hello associates! How are ya? I hope you’re having fun with the day thus far. At the moment is admin stuff, plus a house energy coaching exercise and breakfast for dinner tonight.

For as we speak’s put up, I wished to share my expertise with HTMA as one of many testing instruments I’ve been utilizing. I shared extra about my food sensivity test here, and can do one other put up on my Candida, Metabolic, and Nutritional vitamins take a look at. It’s been actually unbelievable to get insights about imbalances, particularly with the attention and autoimmune stuff I’ve skilled previously yr.

At first look, HTMA looks as if a *easy* take a look at, however there’s a lot that goes into it, and SO a lot that it could possibly inform you. It’s a snapshot of how your physique is responding to emphasize. Once we’re harassed, we burn by our minerals extra rapidly, which may depart us depleted and exhausted. This may also be a really useful postpartum device, as infants use vitamins from the mother. The minerals work in pairs, so it’s essential to look at the relationships between the minerals, and attempt to discover stability. There’ll by no means be a *good* HTMA take a look at outcome; it’s extra about seeing enhancements in your physique over time.

Embarking on a journey to grasp your physique’s distinctive wants and intricacies is a robust step in the direction of holistic well-being. At the moment I’m going to share what this take a look at entails, its advantages, the method, and my private expertise.

Notice: This data is predicated on private expertise and schooling. Seek the advice of with a healthcare skilled for customized recommendation. This take a look at doesn’t dianose, stop, deal with, or treatment sickness or illness. It’s merely an informational device on your distinctive physique. 

Hair Tissue Mineral Evaluation (HTMA) Check evaluate

What’s HTMA and What Can It Inform You?

HTMA is a diagnostic device that analyzes mineral content material in your hair tissue. As our hair displays the mineral composition of our physique, this non-invasive take a look at provides a window into the previous 90 days of mineral imbalances, heavy metallic publicity, and potential dietary deficiencies. It goes past surface-level signs, and might help uncover root causes of assorted well being points. Minerals are important for our whole physique and are the “spark plugs.”

Professionals and Advantages:

HTMA gives a holistic perspective in your mineral standing, aiding within the identification of imbalances that will contribute to well being challenges. It might additionally give perception into your nervous system, adrenal perform, thyroid perform, and absorption.

Early Detection: Detecting mineral imbalances early permits for proactive changes to stop potential well being points

Tailor-made Vitamin: With insights from HTMA, customized diet plans might be crafted to deal with particular deficiencies and promote total well-being.


Exterior Contamination: Exterior elements like hair merchandise or environmental publicity could affect take a look at outcomes. Selecting a good lab and following pre-test pointers mitigates this concern.

Take the Check:

Order the Package: Choose a reliable HTMA supplier and order your equipment. (I work with shoppers with test-only packages, and as a part of 1:1 teaching.)

Gather Hair Pattern: Comply with the equipment directions to gather a hair pattern from the again of your head, closest to your scalp. You don’t want a ton of hair; it’s a couple of tablespoon. The take a look at equipment comes with a paper scale to make sure you have sufficient.

Ship to Lab: Mail the pattern to the designated lab for evaluation.

That is my take a look at – I did a full breakdown of the outcomes over on IG.

Who Might Profit from HTMA?

Persistent Well being Points:

People experiencing persistent well being challenges could profit from uncovering underlying mineral imbalances.


Optimizing mineral ranges is essential for athletes aiming to boost efficiency and restoration.

Preventive Well being:

Proactively addressing potential imbalances can probably stop future well being points.

The Breakdown of HTMA Outcomes:

HTMA outcomes provide a complete breakdown of assorted minerals and heavy metals in your physique. Key minerals embody magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, and hint parts like zinc and copper. Elevated or depleted ranges of those minerals can present insights into potential well being points.

Understanding Mineral Imbalances:

Magnesium: Deficiency could contribute to muscle cramps, nervousness, and fatigue.

Calcium: Elevated ranges could impression cardiovascular well being and bone density.

Zinc: A vital mineral for immune perform; deficiency can have an effect on wound therapeutic and immunity.

Copper: Imbalances could affect vitality ranges and contribute to hormonal points.

Deciphering Heavy Steel Publicity:

HTMA additionally assesses publicity to heavy metals like lead, mercury, aluminum, and cadmium. Elevated ranges could point out environmental publicity or impaired detoxing pathways.

Hair Tissue Mineral Evaluation (HTMA) classifies people into completely different metabolic varieties based mostly on their oxidation fee. This fee, generally known as the metabolic sort, categorizes individuals into quick oxidizers, gradual oxidizers, or blended oxidizers.

Right here’s a really transient overview of every:

Quick Oxidizers:

Metabolic Traits: Quick oxidizers have a speedy oxidation fee, that means their our bodies course of vitamins rapidly.

Widespread Traits: They could expertise bursts of vitality adopted by fatigue, have issue sustaining weight, and infrequently crave sweets.

Dietary Suggestions: Quick oxidizers could profit from a weight-reduction plan wealthy in advanced carbohydrates, average proteins, and wholesome fat to assist stabilize blood sugar ranges.

Sluggish Oxidizers:

Metabolic Traits: Sluggish oxidizers have a slower oxidation fee, that means their our bodies metabolize vitamins at a extra gradual tempo.

Widespread Traits: They could battle with low vitality, weight acquire, and expertise cravings for stimulants like caffeine.

Dietary Suggestions: Sluggish oxidizers could profit from a weight-reduction plan emphasizing lean proteins, advanced carbohydrates, and average wholesome fat to help sustained vitality ranges.Combined Oxidizers:

Metabolic Traits:

Combined oxidizers exhibit traits of each quick and gradual oxidizers, showcasing a stability between speedy and gradual metabolic charges.

Widespread Traits: They could expertise a mix of signs from each quick and gradual oxidizers, making their dietary wants a bit extra nuanced.

Dietary Suggestions: Combined oxidizers profit from a balanced weight-reduction plan that comes with parts from each quick and gradual oxidizer dietary suggestions.

My Private Expertise:

Having undergone HTMA, I found beneficial insights into my mineral standing. The take a look at recognized areas of enchancment, guiding me in the direction of focused dietary changes and supplementation. Whereas not a standalone resolution, HTMA serves as a robust device in my holistic well being journey. (My meals sensitivity testing and OAT have been additionally extraordinarily insightful!)

Should you’re interested by any practical testing, please ship me an e-mail topic TESTING

It makes such an enormous distinction to take dietary supplements your physique wants, as an alternative of ones you assume you *ought to* be taking (which may even be inflicting detrimental results). New 1:1 shoppers that signal with a 3-month bundle, they’ll obtain a free HTMA and Candida, Metabolic, and Minerals take a look at (a $499 worth).

Have a beautiful day and I’ll see ya quickly!



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