QOTD: The Hippocratic Oath on Abortion


From the National Library of Medicine:

I swear by Apollo the doctor, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all of the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, in keeping with my means and judgement, I’ll maintain this Oath and this contract: 

To carry him who taught me this artwork equally expensive to me as my mother and father, to be a companion in life with him, and to meet his wants when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my very own siblings, and to show them this artwork, in the event that they shall want to be taught it, with out payment or contract; and that by the set guidelines, lectures, and each different mode of instruction, I’ll impart a information of the artwork to my very own sons, and people of my academics, and to college students sure by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the legislation of medication, however to no others.

I’ll use these dietary regimens which is able to profit my sufferers in keeping with my biggest means and judgement, and I’ll do no hurt or injustice to them.

I can’t give a deadly drug to anybody if I’m requested, nor will I counsel such a plan; and equally I can’t give a lady a pessary to trigger an abortion.

In purity and in keeping with divine legislation will I perform my life and my artwork.

I can’t use the knife, even upon these affected by stones, however I’ll depart this to those that are skilled on this craft.

Into no matter houses I am going, I’ll enter them for the good thing about the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, together with the seduction of ladies or males, whether or not they’re free males or slaves.

No matter I see or hear within the lives of my sufferers, whether or not in reference to my skilled observe or not, which ought to not be spoken of outdoor, I’ll maintain secret, as contemplating all such issues to be personal.

As long as I keep this Oath faithfully and with out corruption, might it’s granted to me to partake of life absolutely and the observe of my artwork, gaining the respect of all males forever. Nevertheless, ought to I transgress this Oath and violate it, might the other be my destiny.

I wager you didn’t know that was in there.

Steve Parker, M.D.

Steve Parker MD, Advanced Mediterranean Diet

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